Welcome the Rev. Dr. Scott H. Wachter
Cornerstone would like to welcome the Rev. Dr. Scott H. Wachter as our appointed pastor! He and his wife, Teresa, will be joining us in August and partner with us to further the Kingdom of God through our ministries at Cornerstone.
Scott was born in 1963 and grew up in the South. The son of a civil engineer and a homemaker, he moved frequently during his childhood. He began elementary school in Summerville in 1969 and finished high school in Charlotte in 1981. He is a graduate of Brevard College (A.A. – 1983), The University of South Carolina (B.A. – 1985), Asbury Theological Seminary (M. Div. – 1988), and the M. Christopher White School of Divinity at Gardner-Webb University (D. Min. – 2007). Scott was ordained a Deacon in 1987 and an Elder in 1991. On March 25, 2024, the Transitional Leadership Council of the Global Methodist Church unanimously approved his clergy membership status as Elder in the Global Methodist Church.

Scott has participated in and/or led several international mission trips. His latest trip was to San Ramon, Costa Rica with Faithful Servant Missions in June. He took members of his youth group to lead a basketball camp and minister the youth of the Bajo. He also enjoys leading trips to the Holy Lands.
Scott’s hobbies include hunting, raising beagles, traveling, hiking, fishing, and following the Baltimore Orioles.
Scott and his wife, Teresa, will celebrate their 41st wedding anniversary on August 13. Teresa, a native of Henderson, N.C., attended Brevard College, Asbury University (B.S.), and USC (M.A.T). She will teach math at Brookland-Cayce High School. Their 32-year-old daughter, Aliceann, earned degrees in Computer Science from Clemson (B.S.) and the University of Tennessee (M.S.). She and her husband (Kemper) reside in Knoxville where they attend Redeemer Church(PCA). On August 18, 2022, granddaughter Evelyn Isabel was born. Scott and Teresa love to keep Evelyn and hope to introduce her (and her parents) to you soon.

Scott enjoys being involved in the community. He has served on the local boards of the Fellowship
of Christian Athletes; as the team chaplain for three high school football teams; on the boards of
three pregnancy care centers; and on the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army. He has been a
Rotarian for 24 years and participates in ecumenical church/pastor associations.
Scott and Teresa look forward to their new assignment at Cornerstone Church of West Columbia.
We are excited to welcome them to our church family!